Aminet 13
Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso
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(C) 1996 Kent B. Hansen
1. Introduction
1.1 Legal stuff
MM_AntiBomb is an Arexx-script for Mail Manager by Pino Aliberti.
The programs and files in this distribution are freely distributable, but are
also Copyright (c) Kent B. Hansen. They may be freely distributed as long as
no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the author
Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original unmodified
MM_AntiBomb is mailware :-). This means if you use it, please write me a
short mail. You know, it is frustrating to write programs and there are no
responses from the users if they like it or not...
Accepting these few points is the only condition for using MM_AntiBomb...
The author is not responsible for any problems caused by using this program!
1.2 General stuff
I am not the best in writing doc. This docs are a bit short I have to
appolognize, but I hope you'll understand it anyway... Especially my English
and the typo's ;-)
If there is anybody out there who is able to & wants translate the docs to
his own language, please do so and send them to me! I'll add them to the next
1.3 Author
If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you find any
bugs, please let me know.
Contacting the author:
Internet .. : kbh@imada.ou.dk
FidoNet ... : 2:237/30.0
AmigaNet .. : 39:140/103.0
Snail-mail : Kent B. Hansen
Niels Juels Alle 59
DK-5250 Odense SV
Tel. +45-63120212
2. Features
... checks the compress-ratio of mail-packets before unpacking them
... moves packets with a ratio higher that the configured maximum to the
... user configurable archiver-information
3. Installation
1. Copy the files to the related MM:-directories.
2. Make sure you have installed rexxsupport.library in LIBS:.
2. Adjust the cfg to your own needs.
3. Add it as a beforecmd in MM_ImportPlus:
#BEFORECMD rx MM:Rexx/MM_AntiBomb.rexx
or first in your import-batch or whatever else you use.
As you may have seen, there's a second script called "MM_AntiBomb.rexx.cmp"
included. This is a exacltly the same script as "MM_AntiBomb.rexx" itself,
except that it was compressed with "CompressRexx v2.1".
On slow machines, it might be useful to replace the uncompressed script with
the compressed one because it is slightly faster... But please test it first
with the uncompressed version, because if an error occurs, finding the error
due to error-reports of the compressed script is nearly impossible!
There's also included an executable version of the script. This version is
compiled with "CompressRexx v2.1" and can be made resident.
4. Usage
[RX] MM_AntiBomb[.rexx]
5. Configuration
5.1 #(NO)DEBUG
Enables/disables logging of all checked mail-packets. Default is #NODEBUG.
5.2 #LIST <path+file>
Path and name of the AmigaDOS command 'List'. Default is 'c:list'.
5.3 #RATIO <maxratio>
The maximum allowable compressratio for the inbound mail-packets.
5.4 #PACKER <name> <idpos> <id> <line> <position> <listcommand>
Configuration of archivers. <name> is the name of the archiver. <id> is the
archiver specific identification string. <idpos> specifies af what position
the <id>-string starts. Only the first 5 characters of the mail-packets are
checked for an archiver-ID. <listcommand> is the command that must be
executed in order to generate a list of the archive contents. Important: it
must also include the path to the command! <line> is the line, counting from
the bottom, of the listcommand output that contains the totals of the
archive. <position> numbers the word on the <line>-line, that shows the
total size of the uncompressed files.
6. Theory of operation
MM_AntiBomb should normally only be started before you unpack incoming mail.
So the #BEFORECMD in MM_ImportPlus is a good place to start it.
You could also start it in the aftersession, but it's only nessesary to run it
when there is mail to import..
MM_AntiBomb checks the incoming mail-packets against the configured archivers.
In case the packet is compressed with a known archiver, it compares the
physical size of the packet with the size the packet would have if it was
This compress-ratio is compared with a user configurable maximum ratio, if the
compress-ratio of the checked packet exceeds this maximum, the packet is moved
to the bad-directory, and a "BOMB_" is added in front of the packet-name.
This way you can avoid filling your harddisk and crashing your system, if you
receive a mailbomb.
(A mailbomb is an archive, that isn't very big in size, but when uncompressed
it will fill up to an unlimited number of megaytes! If your mailer tries to
uncompress such an archive, it will eventually fill your harddisk, and your
system will hang with the "device full - retry/cancel" requester.) :-(
7. Future
Ideas for the future...
... any ideas? Please write to me!
8. Acknowledgements
My girlfriend For tolerating me spending too much time with my Amiga, and
just beeing wonderful and lovely!
Pino Aliberti For his excellent Mail Manager!
Robert Hofmann For all his excellent scripts for Mail Manager, including
CompressRexx and MM_ImportPlus mentioned in this doc.
For the MM_RexxDeveloperKit v1.11 used in the making of this
And for the 'template' for this documentation. ;)
Frank Schnittger For MM_AreaManager - The best AreaFix for MailManager!
Kent B. Hansen 2:237/30.0@fidonet 9:451/246.0@virnet
The TPV BBS 39:140/103.0@amiganet kbh@imada.ou.dk